7 Tips for Time Management from Caterers for Caterers7 Tips for Time Management from Caterers for Caterers
November 11, 2016
As caterers are very aware, there are only so many hours in a day. How do you possibly get all of that work done—planning events, coordinating details, creating menus, and so much more—in 24 hours?
Well, we asked ICA members that very question in our end-of-the-year survey! Read seven tips from industry peers on how they manage their time.
1. Create a detailed to-do list
As soon as a task is created, take a moment to jot down what needs to be done and any details on your mind at the moment. This way, caterers note, you can come back to it later and have your ideas stored.
2. Delegate & trust your team
We understand how difficult it can be sometimes not to take care of everything by yourself, but you hired your catering team for a reason! Allow yourself to take a few tasks off your plate and utilize the talents of your team members.
3. Work early for uninterrupted time
Whether they mean to or not, coworkers and employees can often distract you from whatever you're trying to get done. If you're an early bird and can head into the office before everyone else, several caterers recommend that you take advantage of this quiet time.
4. Prioritize tasks
A long list of things to do can be quite daunting, but many ICA members suggest that you begin by figuring out which are the most important. This could be determined by deadline, profitability or another factor—find what works best for you.
5. Take it one thing at a time
Multi-tasking can seem like an excellent idea, but caterers note that there are certain projects that need undivided attention. Close windows on your computer, clear your desk, turn off your phone or do whatever you need to do to give your full focus.
6. Do certain tasks as soon as you can
Of course, not everything can or should be done right away, but if you have a moment to cross one job off your list immediately, ICA members suggest you take it!
7. Take advantage of technology
Online calendars, staff messaging systems, project management software, even typing notes onto your desktop—ICA members listed plenty of ways to use technology for time management. Experiment and find which ones work best for you and your team.
Do you have more time management ideas? Share them with us on Facebook or join the ICA today. Visit www.internationalcaterers.org/ for more information.
Get Fresh, November 2016