Kill It With Contracts: How to Streamline Your Sales Process for Everyone InvolvedKill It With Contracts: How to Streamline Your Sales Process for Everyone Involved

Elizabeth Sheils, Co-founder, Rock, Paper, Coin

November 16, 2021

3 Min Read
Kill It With Contracts: How to Streamline Your Sales Process for Everyone Involved

Technology is often thought of as a tool for enhancing the client experience and producing a cutting-edge event that wows every guest that enters. And it most certainly is! However, tech is built to support the process long before selecting fabric swatches or creating floor plans.

In fact, technology is one of the best additions to your sales workflow as it not only saves you time but also serves as a selling point in itself. 

Say you’ve warmed up a lead by highlighting all of the value your brand has to offer. Then, it’s time to close the deal, but an outdated system of PDF contracts and third-party invoicing can leave them feeling uncertain of how to proceed. Or, maybe they’re now underwhelmed, having expected better from a modern event business. Don’t let this be you. 

Modern couples anticipate a heavily digital planning experience, as it aligns with the behavioral habits they already have in their lives. They’re connected to their smartphone, so they want to be able to handle the process from their phones. They’ve grown accustomed to FaceTime and Zoom, so video meetings are a welcome feature. The demand for tech is here, and event entrepreneurs must be prepared to meet it.

On the business side of things, there are several steps in the sales process that lead to the contract stage. While it may seem like second nature to you, it should feel like one seamless process for your clients—no logical jumps necessary. They agree to review a contract, they receive the contract and the first invoice together, they e-sign and e-pay, and it’s off to the races.

That sounds simple enough. But, what do you get out of streamlining a system that was already working for you? 

You’ll have less to manage.

Generating contracts and invoices doesn’t have to be the time-suck that it has been in years past. A great digital platform can store templates, automate reminders, and prepare documentations with a few clicks of the mouse. So rather than oversee every little step of your sales process, you can focus your time and energy on what matters the most: following up with your leads and making sure their questions are answered.

You’ll win over more clients.

Needless to say, today’s clients are very discerning in their hiring selection. Throughout your sales process, they are looking for signs that it will be easy and enjoyable to work with you. Demonstrate your innovative and adaptable approach to business with simple, accessible sales technology that shows prospects you’re here to make their lives easier. After all, that’s what they are hiring you to do!

You won’t have to hunt down files. 

When you’re saving documents and PDFs locally (or paper files in an office!), finding a specific contract or bill takes time, even with the best filing system. Between endless subfolders and an elaborate naming scheme, it’s easy to get bogged down really fast. While this approach may work to start, it’s not a system built to scale with your business. On the other hand, a sales management program can organize and keep all of that information accessible without taking up space on your desktop.

It’s time to see event technology in a new light—not just for the event but for the event client. Our industry may be built on producing spectacular events, but when you dig into the “why,” you’ll find that it’s all about making people happy and reducing stress for clients. So don’t wait until the ink is dry to start adding value to your prospects’ lives; start from square one and show them how easy it is to work with you. 

About the Author

Elizabeth Sheils

Co-founder, Rock, Paper, Coin

Elizabeth Sheils is the co-founder of Rock Paper Coin, the first software platform to bring together wedding planners, couples, and vendors into one system for managing and paying contracts and invoices. Elizabeth is also a lead wedding planner with award-winning firm Bridal Bliss, where she manages the Seattle team. She was recently recognized by Special Events in its Top 25 Event Pros to Watch series. 

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