Mid-Year Check-In: Are you on Track for 2022?Mid-Year Check-In: Are you on Track for 2022?
June 13, 2022
As we hit the midway point of the calendar, it might feel like the first half of 2022 has gone by in a whirlwind. You’ve been busier than ever catching up from the pandemic, filling your schedule with client work, but it’s time to press pause (if ever so briefly!) to check in on your internal operations and business goals.
With six months left in the year, there is still plenty of time to shift course if you find you’ve gotten off track from your goals. But, as the year winds down and the event boom continues, time is of the essence.
So do yourself a favor and set time aside this month to check in with all the corners of your business that have been collecting dust. You’ll thank yourself when the holiday season rolls around and you can confidently hit your goals and think bigger for 2023.
Want to set yourself up for success through the end of the year? Start by assessing these six key areas.
Revisit your goals.
Remember those goals you set at the beginning of the year? It’s time to pull those out and reflect on the progress you’ve made and the obstacles that have held you back along the way.
If you didn’t set goals to start, “now is a great time to set them,” affirms Samantha Leenheer of Samantha Joy Events. “Make sure they are measurable and actionable so when you get to the year-end, you can review your progress.”
Or, if you feel like you’re behind the benchmarks in reaching your goals, Leenheer recommends making an approachable plan to address them. “Break it down into the next six months, three months, one month, and the next few weeks,” she says. “Create an action plan that you can do 1 to 2 items a week or month to move you towards that goal.”
Going forward, try blocking out time every three to six months to stay on top of your progress. You’ll hit your goals much faster when they are top of mind!
Review your pricing and hours.
Now is an excellent time to check in with your pricing structure as well, ensuring that you’re not investing too much time for little return. As Keith Willard of Keith Willard Events notes, “I love what I do, and because I love it, I tend to overlook the extra hours that I put into an event.”
“It’s good for me to take a pause, and write down the actual time that I am taking,” Willard shares. Some clients have partial planning, others have a “day of plus,” while others have full planning. If I start to see that I am spending way too much time on one type or another, I will raise that price to ensure that I am paying myself correctly.”
If you feel like you’re giving too much to your clients without seeing the results in your business, take Willard’s advice and consider restructuring your pricing and packages.
Reconsider your investments.
Of course, your bottom line isn’t just about what you earn—it’s also about where you spend your money. Every dollar invested in your business should provide a return; otherwise, your profit margins will shoulder the burden of unnecessary expenses.
“If event pros feel like they are not on track and would like to see more business come their way, they need to figure out what brings them the most sales and invest in whatever that would be,” states Monika Kreinberg of Furever Us.
Kreinberg speaks to the value of investing in your network, adding, “Many think that simply advertising will bring them business. We are a business that is built on connections—making these connections bring more money and clients than the raw or basic advertisement. This area requires us to be creative and think outside of the box.”
So if you find a system isn’t working to your expectations or you no longer need everyone on your team, consider scaling back to reallocate your investments wisely.
Reevaluate your digital environment.
Successful modern businesses run on streamlined systems—so if your tech is falling behind or into disrepair, a mid-year cleaning can get you back on track.
Nora Sheils of Rock Paper Coin and Bridal Bliss suggests “scheduling a tech audit twice a year at a minimum. Take a high-level look at your processes and analyze what could be streamlined. Are you automating contract and invoice reminders? Is team collaboration efficient?”
“There are so many easy and inexpensive platforms and apps that can take your business to the next level and give you the precious time needed to do what you love most,” Sheils assures.
Great tech reduces internal confusion and leads to a winning client experience, so prioritize systems-building if you want to get ahead for the rest of the year.
Reaffirm your team.
If you have a team, take this opportunity to check in with them as well. As Shannon Tarrant of Wedding Venue Map explains, “Mid-year is a great time for one-on-ones with your team. Taking their temperature is best done not only on their annual review.”
“One of my favorite questions to ask is ‘How is your workload?’ This question lets me know if they are overwhelmed, ready to take on more, or just right,” Tarrant adds.
If you find your team is taking on more than it can handle, it’s a good sign you need to rethink roles and responsibilities or consider hiring more people to fill in the gaps.
Reconnect with yourself.
Last but certainly not least, this is the perfect time of year to check in with yourself as a business owner. Are you happy with where your personal and professional goals stand?
“If you are not on track, dive into personal writing exercises and quiet time to drill down why you feel this way or where you feel you really are,” recommends Jen Sulak of Weirdo Weddings. “The biggest excuse you can make is ‘I don't have the time.’ For your well-being and happiness, make the time! As business owners, we forget that letting ourselves have downtime and rest adds to our tracks to success.”
Rest is productive—as you clear the air throughout your business, make sure to create space to do so for your mind, body, and spirit. A fresh start to the second half of the year is empowering and energizing, which is good for you, your business, and your clients!