Operational Efficiency in Catering: How to Keep Your Business Running SmoothlyOperational Efficiency in Catering: How to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly
Running an effective and profitable catering service takes determination and hard work. But if your business is not running smoothly, you may leave money on the table. There is a way to avoid this: operational efficiency. Although this sounds like a complex industrial management technique, operational efficiency is a simple way to reduce waste, cut costs, and improve productivity.
For a catering business, this means improving resource and inventory management to improve productivity. Streamlining your processes and workflows is also a part of operational efficiency.
But it starts simply when you organize your time and workflows for better efficiency.
Organization for better efficiency
It’s crucial to stay organized to stay productive when you’re running a business. As a small business owner, this means having your administrative tasks in order, including keeping your desk (and desktop) organized, your email under control, and your calendar up to date. These tasks help you manage important tasks like payroll, vendor organization, and accounts payable.
Proper organization can also help you become a better caterer. Invest time organizing and maintaining food storage areas, including equipment and supplies. This helps to create a clutter-free work area so your team can focus their time on creating and serving dishes. Some tips include:
Install a thermometer to keep food between 50 and 70°F.
Install insulation in the shed or location to maintain that temperature.
Keep the area well-ventilated to reduce humidity and help foods last longer.
Store sugar and flour in labeled, airtight containers to prevent spoilage or pest attacks.
Buy a wheeled bottle rack to access drinks.
Creating order in your storage and work areas helps streamline prep work, allowing you to deliver quality services in less time.
Setting up ordered systems is just one element of operational efficiency. Improving how you manage your services is also crucial.
Improving management for productivity
Business operations are another area where you can make changes to improve overall efficiency. For example, you can control your workflow to ensure better results. To do this, create business systems that work for you. It may take a little trial and error, but the first place to start is with yourself. How do you get off on the right foot each day to get in the right mindset to successfully perform your duties? Routines such as a vigorous walk, morning meditations, or a few minutes of journaling help clear the way for productivity.
Then, list the required tasks for the day. You can use paper, a planner, or a tracking system, like Trello, that your whole team can access–or use all three. Once you have a system to track operations, you can map out your business processes, such as sales and marketing, the catering calendar, staffing, and resource management, to optimize them.
To improve operational efficiency, lay out the steps in each process and look for the following:
Bottlenecks that hold up or slow down your processes;
Redundancies, like several people doing duplicate tasks;
Unclear systems rather than a set of best practices;
Waste that can cost you money.
Cleaning up these challenges means creating a roadmap of the best way to do things, assigning resources wisely, and eliminating waste as much as possible.
What other steps can catering businesses take to improve efficiency?
Streamlining your catering services
Streamlining catering services will make your systems more productive before, during, and after catering events. To do this, establish steps for prep, breakdown, and clean up.
After an event, it’s not enough to have everything back in place. Taking a few extra steps sets you up for more efficient operations the next time you have a client. After each event, you should:
Take stock of supplies so you are not short when catering opportunities arise.
Maintain and clean workspaces daily.
Have hygienic tools, like food contact surface wipes, to ensure food cleanliness and safety. They can sanitize surfaces quickly and conveniently, allowing everyone to clean on the go.
Review each event with team members to discover any problems and how you can better address them next time.
These details won’t take much time, but they will make your business more efficient.
The primary goal of operational efficiency is to reduce costs and improve profitability. By taking simple steps, you can optimize your business to be more productive, allowing you to deliver a better product in less time. Attaining this goal can grow your catering business to new heights.