Hyper-Detailed Dietary Requirements: Attendee Trend?Hyper-Detailed Dietary Requirements: Attendee Trend?
November 13, 2024
Asking attendees about their dietary restrictions and preferences—and accommodating them—is part of any F&B 101 curriculum. Delegates’ meals affect their satisfaction with the event and, ultimately, the bottom line, so accommodating dietary needs is part of the job.
But some planners see a further twist coming in this already challenging responsibility.
Over time, attendee requests for special meals have expanded beyond vegetarian, kosher, and allergen-free options. As dietary trends have emphasized nutrition-savvy, gut-friendly, plant-based food and more Americans are committed to personalized nutritional approaches, meeting professionals have more to accommodate. It’s now relatively common to host vegan and gluten-free attendees, and those with a variety of other restrictions and preferences.
To learn more about the growing popularity of hyper-detailed dietary requirements, read the full article from MeetingsNet.