Event Catering in 2018—Why Technology is on Top!Event Catering in 2018—Why Technology is on Top!
May 1, 2018
2017 was a tough year for many food purveyors. From flat sales to rising costs and a volatile political environment, upheaval was everywhere. It’s unlikely that things are going to settle down an time soon. Caterers are looking for ways to mitigate the uncertainty, grow, and provide their customers the best experience possible.
The emergence of mobile and online ordering in particular can help caterers take orders and plan more easily than ever. Enabling clients to place orders on mobile phones or through a webpage eases the administrative cost involved with taking and processing orders, improves the accuracy of the order process, and aids with stock control and operational planning.
Here is why I believe technology will be an essential tool for professional caterers of all kinds this year.
Corporate caterers use technology to drive employee productivity & satisfaction
Many businesses outsource food to contract caterers, which enables them to focus on their core business functions. Corporate caterers engage with employees every day and have an impact on their productivity and employee experience.
Enabling employees to take a break and come back to work refreshed is a win-win for employees and companies, particularly when that break takes place at work. According to Gallup, 85% of employees are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work, hurting productivity.
Overall company culture is a crucial part of what makes employees stay engaged, and what employees eat and have access to eat cannot be neglected as part of a successful employee engagement program.
“Offering consumers access to food and drink without having to leave the workplace is a great benefit to a busy worker, but being able to order and collect that food and drink without standing in line adds another level of convenience.”
For the best of these corporate caterers, technology will be a central part of how they interact with their clients’ employees. One of those technologies, digital ordering, will truly enhance the corporate ordering experience. Offering consumers access to food and drink without having to leave the workplace is a great benefit to a busy worker, but being able to order and collect that food and drink without standing in line adds another level of convenience. Employees save time and are more productive, while still being able to take an effective break and obtain nutritious food.
Technology-driven caterers enhance the conference & exhibition experience
Catering busy conferences and exhibitions is hard work. During a busy show, there’s little time to leave a vendor booth, seek out, and stand in line for food or drink. Many conference attendees will go without proper refreshment all day. Ordering from a cell phone enables the exhibitor to order and potentially receive refreshments without leaving their booth, or merely stepping to the entrance of the exhibit hall.
Mass catering for a conference, on the other hand, and trying to meet all dietary requirements of attendees often means that there can be significant waste when one or another of the options isn’t favoured. If attendees are able to choose from options ahead of time, on the go, this enables caterers to much more easily plan the quantities and types of food needed on the day of the event.
These are just a few methods that technology can help make the lives of event organizers and corporate caterers more stress-free. There are of course many more, but ultimately, technology is driving change and the best organizations will embrace new technologies to improve the customer experience. Those who don’t may find themselves being left behind.