Technology: The Silent ParticipantTechnology: The Silent Participant
September 25, 2017
No matter who you are or where you’re going, it seems like everyone has one thing in common these days—our devices. Event attendees included. As attendees check their email or use the tradeshow hashtag to post on Twitter, power outlets to charge cell phones and laptops become a precious commodity. Attendees now expect convenient areas to plug in their mobile devices, whereas a few years ago, they would have been pleasantly surprised to find them.
Technology takes a back seat
It’s no surprise that the latest gadgets, from wearables to personal assistants, allow us to easily access technology while still participating in everyday life. The world is demanding that technology become seamlessly integrated into the world around them.
The same goes for events.
CORT’s new Tech Tablet Chair makes technology integral to the design of the chair, and therefore, seamless to the event. When attendees rush to find seating by wall outlets to charge their electronics, it is disruptive to the overall event experience. Instead, the Tech Tablet Chair features built-in USB and AC outlets, allowing every attendee to charge conveniently.
Beyond charging, personal belongings can also be disruptive during meetings and events. When was the last time you walked through an aisle at a conference and didn’t trip over someone’s purse or bag? With an under-seat shelf for personal items, the CORT Tech Tablet chair removes these potential hazards. Featuring a swivel table, attendees can use their laptops or tablets to easily take notes and stay engaged.
Comfort, style & function play a key role
No matter how technology is integrated, some features will always be paramount in furniture design—comfort and functionality. CORT’s Tech Tablet Chair not only offers comfortable soft seating, but also comes in a stylish soft gray vinyl and sturdy chrome base. It can easily be linked together with up to five connections, meaning fewer outlets are needed to power a meeting or session. When attendees are comfortable and have access to charging capabilities, they are more engaged and interactive.
Technology will continue to play an important role in meetings and events. With the help of connected furniture and the latest innovations from companies like CORT Events, meeting and event planners can more easily give attendees the tools for an immersive experience, while maintaining the design aesthetic of an event.
Kevin Dana is executive director of marketing and product development at CORT Event Furnishings. To learn more about CORT’s exhibit and event rental collections, including its new tech tablet chair, visit